German Language Assistance

Guten Tag! 

The Department of International Languages and Culture's German studies program offers a variety of resources to students who are learning German and studying the cultures of German speaking countries. We offer:

  • German language assistance
  • Links to online resources in German
  • Internships in Portland

In addition, the German studies program has materials in the Clark Library.

We have a vibrant and enthusiastic student-run German Culture Club. To contact the GCC members and to find out about upcoming events, check out their Facebook page.

Language assistance is a great way to improve your second language skills and to increase your self confidence in your target language. Assistance is available by appointment only and usually takes place in the Learning Resource Center in Buckley Center 163. Your first step to making an appointment is to an email to the German language assistants

Language assistants will contact you within 24 hours to set an appointment and to provide you with a link to our online "conference goals form." You must fill out this form prior to meeting with your language assistant. 

Individual appointments: In your email to the language assistants, please include a few times when you will be available. Appointments last from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on your goals for the session.

Group appointments: If you have a group project or need a group session with an assistant, first identify a few times that work for the group to meet. Have one person from the group take on the responsibility of contacting the language assistants and getting back to the group with the appointment time. Group appointments often take an hour to complete. Each student in the group must fill out a conference goals form prior to meeting with the language assistant.

Conversation groups: Students wishing to participate in conversation groups can likewise contact the language assistants to find out when the next group meets. In your request, please let the language assistants know what language course(s) you are currently enrolled in and topics that you'd like to include in the conversation.

If you have any questions or suggestions about Language Assistance Program, please contact Jeffrey White.

Wörterbücher und Enzyklopädien
LEO English-German Dictionary

Literatur- und Filmanalyse

Projekt Gutenberg (viele Literaturtexte und Autorenbiographien auf Deutsch)


Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert

Weitere Quellen

Sources for Germanists

On-Line deutsche und österreichische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften

Die Frankurter allgemeine Zeitung
Die süddeutsche Zeitung (München)
Der Spiegel
Der Standard (Wien)
Die Salzburger Nachrichten
Die Zeit