French Studies Major | University of Portland

French Studies Major

Note: The French program is currently not accepting any new majors, only minors. (06/07/24)

Requirements :

18 upper-division credits in French and 9 upper-division credits in at least two different disciplines outside of French in courses that may include any three of the following:

  • HST 347: Modern France
  • HST 333: Medieval Europe
  • HST 343: Europe : Age of Dictatorship
  • HST 342: Europe : Age of Nationalism
  • HST 336: Europe : Age of Enlightenment
  • HST 335: Europe : Age of Religious Wars
  • HST 365: History of the Second World War
  • HST 334: The Age of Crusades 
  • POL 372: Politics of the EU and Modern Europe
  • POL 453: Great Powers and their Foreign Policy
  • PHL 414:  Philosophy and Feminism (when focusing on a French philosopher)
  • PHL 469: Great Philosophers (when focusing on a French philosopher)
  • PHL 479: Existentialism

For course descriptions and more details on major requirements, see the Bulletin

Pathway A

Freshman year : FRN 101/102

Sophomore year : FRN 201/202

Junior Year: FRN 301/302 (6 upper-division credits) and two eligible courses outside of French * (6 upper-division credits) PLUS summer between junior and senior years : France (6 upper-division credits)

 Senior year :  Two 400-level courses in French (6 upper-division credits) and one eligible course outside of French (3 upper-division credits)

Pathway B

Freshman year : FRN 201 / 202

Sophomore year : FRN 301/ 302 (6 upper-division credits)

Junior Year : FRN 4xx/ FRN 4xx + one eligible course outside of French (see list)

Summer between Junior and Senior years (or between sophomore and Junior year) study abroad in France

Senior year : Two eligible courses outside of French (see list) or two FRN 4xx courses.

Pathway C

Freshman year : FRN 301/302 (6 upper-division credits)

Sophomore year : FRN 4xx / FRN 4xx

Summer between Sophomore and Junior years (or the next summer) : France

Junior year : FRN 4xx / FRN 4xx or two eligible courses outside of French (see list)

Senior year : FRN 4xx or one eligible course outside of French (see list)

Note : The completion of the French Studies Major in Pathway A can be accelerated by taking FRN 205 (Intensive Intermediate French) during the summer between the freshman and sophomore years and / or by studying a semester in France.

The completion of the French Studies Major in Pathway B and C can be accelerated by studying a semester in France (15 upper-division credits). See pathways D, E and F.

Pathway D (with a semester abroad and beginning in FRN 101)

Freshman year : FRN 101/102

Sophomore year : FRN 201/202

Junior Year: FRN 301/302  + one eligible course outside of French

Senior year :  Study abroad in Nantes for one semester (15 credits) and FRN 4xx or one eligible course outside of French

Pathway E (with a semester abroad and beginning in FRN 201)

Freshman year : FRN 201/202

Sophomore year : FRN 301/302

Junior year :  Study abroad in Nantes for one semester (15 credits) and FRN 4xx

Senior year : FRN 4xx or one eligible course outside of French

Pathway F (with a semester abroad and beginning in FRN 301)

Freshman year : FRN 301/302

Sophomore year : FRN 4xx / FRN 4xx or 2 eligible courses outside of French

Junior year : Study abroad in Nantes for one semester (15 credits)