Beginning Mandarin Chinese | University of Portland

Beginning Mandarin Chinese

In our increasingly global economy and culture, learning Chinese opens doors to new opportunities in business, education, and the sciences, and helps us to understand the world we live in more deeply.

ILC offers a three-semester, twelve-credit sequence of Chinese (CHN 101/111, 102/112, and 103/113) oriented to students who have little or no background in the language. The course builds basic language skills in Mandarin. Students take a three-credit course (CHN 101,102,103) for three semesters, attend a weekly required lab for one credit (numbered CHN 111, 112, 113), and may participate in a variety of extracurricular activities related to Chinese culture. By completing this sequence, students can satisfy the College of Arts and Sciences twelve-credit language requirement. In addition, completion of the three-semester sequence prepares students to continue their Chinese language study at the intermediate level in a semester-long intensive program in China.

For more information on taking Chinese, contact ILC chair Lora Looney.


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