Two-Year Course Schedule for Political Science and Global Affairs


Every semester, we offer at least one section of the following required courses for POL majors: 

  • POL 200 Introduction to US Politics 
  • POL 203 Introduction to Political Theory 
  • POL 205 World Politics  
  • POL 292 Mock Trial 

POL 250 Political Inquiry and Analysis is offered every fall semester and may also be offered some spring semesters; Students should plan to take POL 250 during their Sophomore year; POL 250 is a prerequisite for 4** level POL courses, with exceptions for the Constitutional Studies and POL minors.

In addition, we are on a two-year schedule for most upper division courses. Tentative two-year schedule, subject to change. 


Fall 2024

POL 250 Political Inquiry and Analysis  
POL 311 Democracy and Diversity (Core Big Ideas X Course)  
POL 317 Resistance and Social Movements  
POL 335 American Public Policy  
POL 346 Criminal Procedures  
POL 391 US Immigration and Asylum Policy 
POL 423 Constitutional Theory  
POL 450 Frontline on Global War  


Spring 2025

POL 307 Contemporary Political Theory 
POL 344 Con Law I Federalism & Separation of Powers 
POL 350 American Foreign Policy  
POL 377 Politics of the Middle East  
POL 423 Constitutional Theory  
POL 462 Globalization and Its Discontents  


Fall 2025

POL 250 Political Inquiry and Analysis 
POL 302 Perspectives on Social Justice 
POL 314 American Political Thought  
POL 335 American Public Policy 
POL 345 Con Law II Civil Liberties & Rights 
POL 353 Strategies of War and Peace  
POL 417 American Political Development  
POL 457 Rise of China 


Spring 2026

POL 250 Political Inquiry and Analysis  
POL 306 Modern Political Thought  
POL 330 Congress and the Presidency  
POL 302 Perspectives on Social Justice  
POL 351 International Law & Governance  
POL 355 The Arab-Israeli Conflict 
POL 378 Muslims/Islam in Europe & US  
POL 3** Race and the US Law  
POL 401 Gender Discourse and Politics  
POL 423 Constitutional Theory  


Fall 2026

POL 250 Political Inquiry and Analysis 
POL 305 Ancient & Medieval Political Thought  
POL 311 Democracy and Diversity (Core Big Ideas X course) 
POL 319 Politics and Identity  
POL 321 Politics of Hip Hop  
POL 346 Criminal Procedures  
POL 370 Global Migration  
POL 417 American POL Development  
POL 462 Globalization and its Discontents