Graduate Handbook

You are entering a challenging and well-respected Masters program in Communication Studies. Our educational philosophy stresses a strong blend of theoretical understanding and practical application.

Our program is small enough to provide individual guidance and large enough to offer a variety of faculty expertise and topic areas for specialization.

We hope this handbook is useful to you. It is intended to serve as your guide to successfully completing graduate studies in our department. Because this handbook is intended to serve as an "informal" guide to successful completion of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication Studies, you should consult the University of Portland Bulletin for the academic regulations governing all students enrolled at the University.

We realize no written document substitutes for conversations in person and invite you to talk to us as faculty members and advisors. All of us have office hours posted on our doors and are available for special appointments as needed.

We look forward to your participation in our department and want to be an integral part of your academic success.

CST Graduate Handbook Table of Contents (click each link for a pdf document about that subject)

1. Mission Statement

2. Program Options
  • Communication, M.A.Checklist
  • Management Communication, M.S., Checklist
  • M.S. -Business Electives
3. Graduate Student Writing Expectations

4. Oral Presentations

5. Communication Studies Department Guidelines

6. Graduate School Guidelines

7. Directed Studies
  • Proposal for Directed Study Forms
8. Culminating Research Project

9. Internships

10. Internship Performance Appraisal Form

11. Thesis
  • Written proposal/prospectus Guidelines
  • Thesis Defense
  • Thesis Binding
12. Application for Graduation

13. Graduate Assistant Opportunities

14. Campus Media

15. Research Outlets
  • Guidelines for Conference Papers
  • Guidelines for Conference Program Proposals
16. Faculty Research Biographies