Undergraduate Programs

Come study theology with us!

“Let us be mindful that political theology is prophetic theology done in the name of those who suffer, and let us recommit ourselves . . . to the never-ending task to seek social, economic, and environmental justice.”
Dr. Russ Butkus (Emeritus Associate Professor, '19)

What to do with a theology major/minor?

Theology majors learn crucial skills for thinking critically about the world, writing persuasively, problem-solving, and communicating effectively—valuable skills all employers seek. While some of our majors pursue graduate work in theology, other students go on to have meaningful and successful careers in other fields. The study of theology can help you:

  • deal with complex nursing and medical issues so you can be a compassionate care-giver.
  • become a better educator who shapes hearts and minds.
  • go to law school and shape public policies and laws.
  • negotiate tough, good decisions that can impact many people with good building design, good business strategies, etc.
  • live in a world that is international and culturally diverse.

“One of the wonderful things about growing up is beginning to forge new relationships with people who become family for us. And just as our support system grows beyond our immediate family members, we too learn to be family for others. While the study of theology is informational—that is, we learn a lot about people . . . and what they did and how they lived, it’s also formational—that is, we are shaped to relate with others, God, and the created world in better and better ways.”
Dr. Rachel Wheeler (Assistant Professor)