Sophie Osborn

Physics & Mathematics


Hello! My name is Sophie and I am a senior at UP studying physics and applied mathematics. I started at UP on the women's rowing team as well and loved spending my first two years there as a coxswain. It was an incredibly difficult decision to leave the team, but I needed more time in my schedule to dedicate to my studies. With the extra time I was able to build up my skills in physics and applied mathematics through rigorous studies and an internship at Collins Aerospace which sparked my passions for data analysis, mathematical modeling, and optics. Then, last year when I was asked to join the Student Leadership Council by the Physics faculty and I jumped at the offer! I love being a voice for the students of my departments in order to make life at UP even better, and I was missing that sense of involvement and leadership that I lost after leaving the rowing team. One of the best things the council has given me so far is learning how to communicate with, and listen to people with totally different backgrounds and experiences to achieve a common goal. Pursing a career in science or engineering means that the skill of effective communication is invaluable for me in both business and personal settings and having the experience from the Student Leadership Council enhances my communication skills greatly.