Communication & Media | University of Portland

Communication & Media

A student project

Why Study Communication & Media at UP?

  • We seek to understand how people use symbols to construct knowledge, negotiate identities and exert influence. Thus, we examine how humans create and share messages and negotiate meanings with others, rooted in our belief that human communication is central to sustaining diverse, just societies.
  • We teach students to understand, create, and critically analyze media and the complexity of our mediated communication ecosystem so that they will be prepared to engage and lead in the 21st century.
  • Students prepare through faculty-collaborative and independent research and applied communication coursework; via internships and other community-based learning; and in co-curricular activities such as our award-winning student media The Beacon and Speech and Debate Union.
A group of students working on a project

Potential Communication & Media Career Paths

  • Media industries; Journalism; Editorial work; Public relations; Advertising; Marketing; User experience researcher
  • Political organizing; Diplomacy; Public relations; Public affairs; Labor organizer; Law; Legislative communication
  • Strategic communication; Communication director and coordinator; Brand communication and manager
  • Nonprofit sector; Community advocate
  • Interdisciplinary application across environmental ethics and policy, health, and other social sciences

Communication & Media Department