Dedicated Professors

Someone once said that the only thing a great teacher really needs is a piece of chalk and a black board. Take away all the bells and whistles that the modern interactive classroom offers at the University of Portland, and you still have the essentials for a dynamic, life-changing educational experience: an inspiring teacher and students who want more than anything to be challenged. This is the University of Portland experience. This is what you can expect in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Professors in the College prod and push their students to ask the question that has never been asked, to test the boundaries, to imagine, to think. They challenge their students to engage in a rich and rigorous course of study that draws its vigor from a rich Catholic intellectual tradition, one that creates an intellectual and moral framework in which great questions facing humankind can and should be addressed.

Professors in the College are committed to the intellectual journey that unites mind and heart in the human search for wisdom. Their unwavering commitment to excellence is, in the end, an unwavering commitment to their students. The excellence of the College's faculty is shown in the following select list of achievements:

  • Fulbright Scholarships
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow
  • Actors Center Teacher Development Fellowship
  • Oregon's Outstanding Professor of the Year
  • Educator of the Year by the Oregon Academy of Science
  • Outstanding professor of the year by the Carnegie Foundation and Council for Advancement and Support of Education
  • Oregon's Professor of the Year
  • Outstanding Freshman Advocate by the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience

The faculty of the College: Inspiring teachers committed to excellence, committed to their students.