Awards | University of Portland


Franz Mayr Award for Passion and Aptitude for Philosophy (established 2005)
Awarded each year there is a graduating Philosophy major who demonstrates unusual passion and aptitude for Philosophy.

2024 Anthony Broetje

2023 Jordan Geniza 

2023 Jack Jensen
2023 Noah Lamberger
2022 Angelica Garcia
2021 Cole W. Fitter
2021 Katherine C. Rojas
2020 Quinn McCray
2019 Sitara Nath
2017 Evan N Montella
2016 Dylan R Vahradian
2014 Emma J. Irwin
2013 Benjamin Cilwick and Alec Jones
2012 Danielle Nelson and Joseph Starzl
2011 Tyler Bryan-Askay
2010 Kaycie Rueter
2009 Amanda Mosher
2007 Chelsea Egbert
2006 Dean O'Harra
2005 Anthony Pepitone


Philosophical Achievement Award for Scholastic Excellence (established 2006)
Awarded each year to the graduating major with the highest grade point average in Philosophy.

2024 Amelia  Christensen

2023 Grace Bowman
2023 Hannah Monti
2023 Maria Wanzek
2023 Braden Williamson
2022 Clare Spinner
2022 Charlie Menke
2022 Maile Heen
2021 Meredith E. McMurray
2020 Isabel Cortens
2019 Michael C Dale
2018 Hayley L Miller
2017 Ambrose C Robinson
2016 Madeleine M Boyle and Nathan L Seppi
2015 Daphne Aldyn B Baracena
2014 Anthony C-H Nguyen
2013 Valerie Schiller
2012 Gabrielle Hansen
2011 Robyn Gentry and Nicole Iranon
2010 Anhlinh Hoang
2009 Amanda Mosher
2008 Michael Schmitz
2007 Chelsea Egbert
2006 Brant Norquist


The Agora Award for Leadership in Promoting Philosophical Dialogue and Community
Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated leadership in promoting philosophical dialogue and community, named after the gathering place in the center of ancient Athens where Socrates famously roamed and sought to engage others in philosophical conversation.

2024 Daniela Gutierrez

2023 Madeleine Lesieutre 

2023 Nathan Williamson
2022 Madison Johnson
2021 Megan M. Musquiz
2020 Francesca Chicoine
2019 Dagan T Kay
2018 Shivam S Swamy and Christian B Wells
2017 Elisa C Reverman
2016 Jason P Smith
2013 Victoria Li